为贯彻落实党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会以及中央经济工作会议精神,推进贸易高质量发展,经国务院批准,国务院关税税则委员会近日印发通知,自2020年1月1日起,调整部分商品进口关税。 China will lower or remove import duties on a number of products such as frozen pork and avocado, and some high-tech products and parts starting on January 1, 2020, as part of a tariff adjustment package announced Monday, as the country further promotes high-quality trade growth. 为积极扩大进口,激发进口潜力,优化进口结构,自2020年1月1日起,我国将对850余项商品实施低于最惠国税率的进口暂定税率。其中,为更好满足人民生活需要,适度增加国内相对紧缺或具有国外特色的日用消费品进口,新增或降低冻猪肉、冷冻鳄梨、非冷冻橙汁等商品进口暂定税率;为降低用药成本,促进新药生产,对用于治疗哮喘的生物碱类药品和生产新型糖尿病治疗药品的原料实施零关税;为扩大先进技术、设备和零部件进口,支持高新技术产业发展,新增或降低半导体检测分选编带机、高压涡轮间隙控制阀门、自动变速箱用液力变矩器和铝阀芯、铌铁、多元件集成电路存储器、大轴胶片原料、光刻胶用分散液、培养基等商品进口暂定税率;为鼓励国内有需求的资源性产品进口,新增或降低部分木材和纸制品进口暂定税率。To expand imports and optimize imports structure, some 859 items of commodities will be subjected to temporary import duty rates, which are lower than most-favored-nation (MFN) tariffs, starting January 1, the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council (CTCSC) said in an online statement. In 2019, 706 products were taxed at temporary rates.
One of the goals of expanding imports is to meet Chinese people's improving living standards. Some 80 consumer products that Chinese markets are short of, or the products that are popular in the Chinese market, will be subjected to lower duty rates.
Import duties for frozen pork will be lowered to 8 percent from the MSN duty of 12 percent, and the rate for frozen avocado will be lowered to 7 percent from 30 percent. Duty rates on pet foods are lower to cater to Chinese consumers' increasing enthusiasm for providing higher living standards for their pets.
To lower drug costs and promote the development and production of new drugs, tariffs on some pharmaceutical raw materials for the treatment of asthma and diabetes will be scrapped. However, relatively low temporary import tariff rates will continue to be imposed on advanced equipment and its parts from the likes of ferroniobium and culture medium to support the development of the high-tech industry. Resource products such as timber and paper products will also enjoy temporary lower duty rates, the statement said.
为推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展,构建面向全球的高标准自由贸易区网络,实施互利共赢的开放战略,根据我国与有关国家或地区签订的自贸协定或优惠贸易安排,2020年我国将继续对原产于23个国家或地区的部分商品实施协定税率。其中,进一步降税的有中国与新西兰、秘鲁、哥斯达黎加、瑞士、冰岛、新加坡、澳大利亚、韩国、格鲁吉亚、智利、巴基斯坦自贸协定以及亚太贸易协定。2020年,继续对与我国建交并完成换文手续的最不发达国家实施特惠税率,并根据联合国最不发达国家名单和我国过渡期安排,调整特惠税率适用国别。In a bid to shore up the Belt and Road Initiative and develop a network of high-standard free trade areas that are mutually beneficial and promote further opening up, China will also apply conventional tariffs on products from 23 countries and regions, including further reduction in tariffs under free trade pacts between China and relevant countries. This move will result in lower tariffs with numerous trade partners including New Zealand, Peru, Costa Rica and Switzerland.
为推进贸易与环境协调发展,根据国务院全面禁止进口环境危害大、群众反映强烈的固体废物的有关精神,与进口废物管理目录的调整时间相衔接,自2020年1月1日起,取消钨废碎料和铌废碎料2种商品进口暂定税率,恢复执行最惠国税率。To promote the coordinated development of trade and the environment, while restricting waste that poses an environmental hazard, MFN tariffs on tungsten and niobium scrap will be resumed. 2020年7月1日起,我国还将对176项信息技术产品的最惠国税率实施第五步降税,同时与此相衔接,相应调整其中部分信息技术产品的进口暂定税率。China will cut down the MFN rates for 176 items of information technology products from July 1, 2020, and correspondingly adjust the temporary import duty rates for some of these products. 国务院关税税则委员会办公室表示,上述调整措施有利于降低进口成本,促进国际国内要素有序自由流动,推动建设更高水平开放型经济新体制;有利于提高对外开放水平,不断拓展贸易发展新空间,加快高标准自由贸易区建设;有利于与其他国家和地区共享发展成果,开创开放合作、包容普惠、共享共赢的国际贸易新局面。The Customs Tariff Commission noted the above measures will reduce import costs, press ahead with high-level opening-up, speed up the building of high-standard free trade areas, and ensure free and inclusive trade worldwide by sharing the benefits with other countries. (部分内容综合自央视新闻) 推荐阅读:2019中国经济进一步深化改革开放大事件回顾 商务部:中美双方经贸团队正在就协议签署等后续工作密切沟通 谁在葬送世贸组织?| Who's killing the WTO? 中国入世18年对全球经济增长贡献全球第一